Veterinary Services

Cat Friendly Veterinary Clinic

We understand that bringing your cat to the Veterinarian can be a challenge, and often puts stress on both you and them, however we are working hard every day to become a more cat-friendly practice and to provide the best experience for both you and your cat.

Cats are the forgotten pet when it comes to pet care – in that many cats are rarely, if ever seen. We understand that it can become a very stressful situation for both them and you but we know the importance of your cat having annual visits to keep them healthy and happy. From the moment that a cat is put into a carrier at home, to traveling in a car and then coming to a foreign establishment with all kinds of scents, noises and new people is enough to put a cat on edge.

Companion Pet Laser Therapy

The companion therapy laser is an affordable, drug-free, surgery-free, non-invasive treatment option for both chronic and acute pain.

Pet Laser Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that is used to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve circulation and speed up the process of healing by accelerating cell growth and repairing tissue.

Pet Dentistry

The truth is that we should be concerned about our pet’s teeth year round. Is Fluffy’s breath starting to smell? Is Max turning up his nose at the crunchy kibble? These may be warning signs of advancing dental disease.

Have you been brushing your pet’s teeth and providing dental treats or toys since your pet was a pup or kitten? Studies show that about 80% of pets already have periodontal (gum) disease by the time they are 3 years old! It is more likely to occur when home dental care is not provided on a routine basis. Periodontal disease may be a painful condition and lead to tooth loss and other systemic health problems such as respiratory, cardiac, kidney and liver disease

Doggie Daycare

Doggie Daycare is a perfect opportunity to allow your social dog to play with others while you work or run errands. Your dog must be social with other dogs to participate. Your dog will have so much fun, he/she won’t want to go home. Trust us….it happens everyday. 

Dog Training

The Behavior Barn offers dog owners a unique opportunity to develop your dog into a well behaved family companion. Our training method is based on canine learning theory. Canine learning theory is essentially how a dog’s brain works in order for them to learn. We use this information to develop an efficient way of communicating with your dog. Our classes and curriculum are based on this theory and, in turn, you get fantastic results!  

Zoonosis – Client Education

There are two forms of zoonotic disease. The first form is an illness that is transmitted directly from pets to people, such as rabies, intestinal parasites, toxoplasmosis, and leptospirosis. The second form are diseases that both pets and people can share, but people cannot get directly from an animal, such as lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, and diseases carried by vector species such as mosquitos, ticks, biting flies, etc.

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Looking Forward To Hearing From You


Monday: 8:00am — 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am — 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am — 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am — 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am — 5:00pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
URGENT CARE: 8am — 330pm, call ahead required.

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